Tue 28 April 2020
Just a brief update on our services.
We currently are running our reception remotely from our office in Glebe. If you need to contact us ensure that you call us on (02) 9692-9788 if you’d like to speak to us about your counselling.
We continue to offer face to face counselling. Our rooms are sufficiently large enough for socially distant contact and we clean our practice several times daily to ensure the safety of our counselling spaces.
We also continue to offer Medicare Telehealth Psychology as well as Online counselling for all of our clients who require that service.
We will keep everyone updated in relation to our practice and our ongoing operations in this situation around COVID-19.
We hope that everyone keeps safe and healthy.
Therapeutic Axis.
Mon 20 April 2020
Telehealth psychology is now available with all of our Medicare Telehealth Psychology practitioners. Check out our team on the website. Contact us and we’ll help you to navigate this new way of getting counselling and psychology services.
The counselling is available on all platforms including Skype, Zoom, Facetime and also via phone.
Tue 07 April 2020

To our valued clients
Your mental health and wellbeing is very important to us, especially at this time.
Therapeutic Axis has been and will continue to maintain all psychological services.
We pride ourselves on being client centered, and will provide our services through various platforms dependent on your current need.
Counselling services are available online, over the phone, and some of our practitioners are still providing face to face. We are practicing all health and safety measures if you choose face to face.
Our response to challenges is always to be guided by Our Vision:
- To be responsive to the needs of clients, the community, therapists and staff.
- To provide a high standard professional environment.
- To deliver services cost-effectively and sustainably.
- To actively engage in prevention and health promotion activities.
- To continually innovate, and redefine the meaning and application of the therapeutic environment.
This is a time of great change for most people. If you are already seeing one of our therapists it will be important to continue on with your process the best you can.
If you are experiencing anxiety, stress, conflict, confusion or despair, you are not alone. Please reach out via our virtual reception (02)9692-9788. We will be available 9-5 Mon- Fri. During our usual intake procedure we will do our very best to match you with a practitioner who best suits your needs.
You may take a look through our list of practitioners on this website to see the options they are currently offering regarding counselling services.
Unfortunately all our hands on therapies have ceased at the moment. This is for your wellbeing. And we look forward to being able to bring these services to you as soon as is safe.
Wishing you all hope, peace and good health.
Thu 02 April 2020
Telehealth Counselling is now available at Therapeutic Axis. We will have a more comprehensive update soon.
We are based in the inner west of Sydney which includes Glebe, Annandale, Balmain, Camperdown and Newtown. If you live in these areas you can also come in for face to face counselling should you wish to combine online with face to face therapy.