February 2022 COVID update from Therapeutic Axis.
Wed 02 February 2022
Hello to all,
We wish you a safe and prosperous 2022.
Just a brief update on our operations at Therapeutic Axis.
Firstly our receptionist is now back attending the clinic. The current receptions hours are 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to midday on Friday.
Counselling services continue to be offered via Telehealth and on the phone and a number of our practitioners are offering face to face counselling.
All of the requirements of NSW health are being observed in terms of indoors areas. Additionally all of our consult rooms and common areas have HEPA filter machines running 24/7 to alleviate issues with airborne virus and we continue to clean the common areas, consultation rooms and touch points regularly.
Of course if you have symptoms then contact your Therapist and let them know and naturally stay home until you are feeling better.
We hope that you all stay well. Your mental health is important to us and we will endeavour to continue to provide safe help and support.
Therapeutic Axis.